Anthem One Industries
Making a Difference in the Lives of Others.
First responders, including ambulance, fire department and police personnel, face twice the risk of contracting infections as other essential workers, such as front-line health care workers.
A University of Arizona Health Sciences study showed first responders had a 13.2% chance of getting infected versus a 6.7% exposure rate for other essential workers.

Say so long to transport trucks filled with employees and old technology lighting equipment. The Anthem One Mark Two light is an extremely powerful LED light system, equivalent to an 800W HMI silked by a 10X10, that requires only one person for setup. You can shoot anywhere on earth without noise, gas, fumes, cable runs or large crews.

The experience of the USS Roosevelt captured the initial missteps of not realizing crew members had a higher probability of infection, resulting in an outbreak so severe that the ship was forced to stop at Guam and offload the crew. Eventually, over 1,200 crew members tested positive for Covid-19. Of these, about 20 percent were asymptomatic, 23 were hospitalized, four needed intensive care, and one died.
In response, DoD instituted a set of procedures and adaptations, paralleling those in broader U.S. society. These precautions included extensive telework, the provisions of personal protective equipment and disinfecting, deep cleaning, social distancing, and restrictions on gathering.

Of the 16.9 million people unemployed in July 2020, 9.6 million (57 percent) were unable to work because their employer closed or lost business due to the pandemic. The toll the COVID-19 pandemic has exacted on the global economy has been significant, with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimating that the median global GDP dropped by 3.9% from 2019 to 2020, making it the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.

The estimated annual incidence of Surgical Site Infections (SSIs) in the U.S. ranges from 160,000 to 300,000, and the estimated annual cost ranges from $3.5 billion to $10 billion.
On average, a surgical site infection increases the hospital length of stay by 9.7 days.

Keeping our children safe is paramount. The hospital mortality rate of children infected with COVID-19 is alarmingly high at 4.2%. Accommodating 52 passengers seated near one another can significantly increase the risk of spreading COVID-19.
The School Personnel Lost to Covid organization says more than 185 bus drivers have died of the disease during the pandemic.

Hospitality and leisure clients are moving quickly and remain focused to understand and quantify the operational and financial impact on their business from COVID-19. The impact is huge, and not yet predictable, on both revenue and supply chains. Decisions being taken to shut down hotels, restaurants, theme parks, and cinemas, not to mention the entire disruptive effect of the travel ecosystem, all have a significant impact on worldwide tourism. Hotels, Cruise ships, and Restaurants were hit hard by Covid.
Anthem One's device offers a way to win back customers by showing them you are taking measurable precautions and creating a safe environment to protect them.
No chemicals, human operated, Anthem One UVC System disinfects quickly and cleanly.
Get back to business as normal and offer clients the confidence they need to be assured it is safe.

The outbreak of COVID-19, has brought profound changes and disruptions to nearly every aspect of transportation in the United States. The airline, automobile, and rail industries, as well as the energy companies that support them all, have been hit hard by the virus itself, stay-at-home orders, and even social distancing. With the demand for travel plummeting to a modern all-time low, the transportation industry is having to shift its focus of moving citizens and goods around the country to keeping a core transportation system operational with a smaller workforce. Keeping the country’s transportation infrastructure operating ensures freight and key essential workers can continue to travel and basic needs such as food are being met.